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Changing the system but not the solutions

Our operations would be of little use if we did not understand how the solution sets of the systems changed under each transformation.

Here, we are in the best of all possible worlds. The solutions do not change under

  • scaling a row by a non-zero scalar
  • exchanging two rows or
  • subtracting a scalar multiple of one row off a different one.

Let’s take each one at a time.

Exchanging rows

This is the easiest one to see.

Since the linear equations involved do not change at all when we swap rows, the solutions don’t either.

We are just switching the order in which we are listing them.

Scaling a row

Scaling a row by a non-zero scalar doesn’t change the set of solution. Let’s start with a system $(A \mid b)$ and some scaling matrix $S(i,c)$.

We want to compare the sets of solutions to $(A \mid b)$ and $S(i,c)(A \mid b)$.

Assume we have a solution $(x_1^\circ, \ldots, x_n^\circ)$ to the system $(A \mid b)$. (Here I write $x^\circ$ as decoration to indicate that we have a fixed vector of numbers that solves the system).

We want to conclude it also a solution to the new system where we scale the i-th row by a number $c$, $S(i,c)(A \mid b)$.

What do we have to do to check we also solve the new system $S(i,c)(A \mid b)$?

Well, the only equation that changes from the old system $(A \mid b)$ is just the i-th one. We have the equality
\(a_{i1}x_1^\circ + a_{i2}x_2^\circ + \cdots + a_{in}x_n^\circ = b_i\) If we multiply both sides by $c$, then we preserve the equality so \(ca_{i1}x_1^\circ + ca_{i2}x_2^\circ + \cdots + ca_{in}x_n^\circ = cb_i\) This is exactly the i-th equation for our new system. Thus, \(\mathbf{x}^\circ \in \mathcal Z(S(i,c) (A \mid b)).\)

Great, we have checked that every solution to $(A \mid b)$ is also a solution to $S(i,c)(A \mid b)$. In mathematical notation, we know that for any $c$ \(\mathcal Z(A \mid b) \subseteq \mathcal Z(S(i,c) (A \mid b)).\)

In the case that $c \neq 0$, we have \(\mathcal Z(S(i,c) (A \mid b)) \subseteq \mathcal Z(S(i,1/c) (S(i,c) A \mid b)))\) As you will check on your homework, \(S(i,c_1) S(i,c_2) = S(i,c_1c_2)\) So \(S(i,1/c) S(i,c) A = S(i,1) A = I A = A.\) Thus, \(\mathcal Z(A \mid b) \subseteq \mathcal Z(S(i,c) A \mid b) \subseteq Z(A \mid b)\) As we saw in the Math 300, for two sets $X$ and $Y$, if $X \subseteq Y$ and $Y \subseteq X$, then $X = Y$.

So the solutions to $(A \mid b)$ are exactly the solutions to $S(i,c) (A \mid b)$.

Adding multiples of rows to other rows

For the final operation, it is perhaps less obvious that we preserve the solution set of the linear system.

We procede in the same way as with scaling a row.

Assume we have a solution $(x_1^\circ, \ldots, x_n^\circ)$ to the system $(A \mid b)$.

Then we know that for any $i,j$: \(a_{i1}x_1^\circ + \cdots + a_{in} x_n^\circ = b_i \\ a_{j1}x_1^\circ + \cdots + a_{jn} x_n^\circ = b_j \\\) If we scale j-th row by $c$, we still have equality \(ca_{j1}x_1^\circ + \cdots + ca_{jn} x_n^\circ = cb_j\) as with scaling. Finally, when we add \((a_{j1}x_1^\circ + \cdots + a_{jn} x_n^\circ) + (ca_{j1}x_1^\circ + \cdots + ca_{jn} x_n^\circ) = b_i + cb_j\) we know that we are subtracting the same numbers from each side of the equality. This preserves the equality. Writing \((a_{j1}+ca_{i1})x_1^\circ + \dots + (a_{jn}+ca_{in})x_n^\circ = b_i + cb_j\) we recognize that the we have just operated on the rows of $(A \mid b)$ by sending \(\mathbf{R}_j \mapsto \mathbf{R}_j - c \mathbf{R}_i.\)

Thus, $(x_1^\circ, \ldots, x_n^\circ)$ is also a solution to the system $L(i,j,c)(A \mid b)$, ie \(\mathcal Z(A \mid b) \subseteq \mathcal Z(L(i,j,c)(A \mid b)).\)

Like with scaling a row, we want to undo multiplication by $L(i,j,c)$. In Worksheet 2, you will see that if $i \neq j$, then
\(L(i,j,c) L(i,j,-c) = I\)

One we know this, we can immediately apply what we already know to see \(\mathcal Z(L(i,j,c)(A \mid b)) \subseteq \mathcal Z(L(i,j,-c)L(i,j,c)(A \mid b)) = \mathcal Z(A \mid b).\) Thus, if we subtract off any multiple of one row from a different row then, we know \(\mathcal Z(A \mid b) = \mathcal Z(L(i,j,c)(A \mid b))\)

We have established the following theorem.

Theorem on Row Operations and Solution Sets

Let $(A \mid b)$ be a linear system. Let $(A^\prime \mid b^\prime)$ be the linear system obtained from $(A \mid b)$ by a sequence of the following operations:

  • scaling a row by a non-zero scalar
  • exchanging two rows or
  • subtracting a scalar multiple of one row off a different one.

Then, the sets of solutions of $(A \mid b)$ and $(A^\prime \mid b^\prime)$ coincide.

We will apply this theorem after we have established Gaussian elimination which fulfills the promise converting any system into (reduced) row echelon form.