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One of most common ways to make new vector spaces out of old ones is take a known vector space $V$ and find a subset $W$ that inherits the vector space structure from $V$.

Definition. A subspace $W$ of a $k$-vector space $V$ is a subset $W \subseteq V$ satisfying the conditions that

  • $W$ is closed under addition: for any two vectors, their sum is in $W$, ie \(w_1,w_2 \in W \Rightarrow w_1 + w_2 \in W\)
  • $W$ is closed under scaling: for any scalar $c \in k$ and any vector $w \in W$, scaling $w$ by $c$ is also in $W$, ie \(c \in k, \ w \in W \Rightarrow c \cdot w \in W.\)

Consequences of the definition

Notice that the definition of a subspace did not say it is a vector space! That is a consequence of the definition.

Proposition. Suppose that $V$ is a $k$-vector space and $W$ is a subset of $V$. If $W$ is a subspace, then $W$, with addition and scaling inherited from $V$, is also a vector space.

Proof. (Expand for details)

Let’s try to spell out what “addition and scaling inherited from $V$” is precisely.

Recall that the condition that $W$ is closed under $+$ means that for any pair of vectors $w_1, w_2 \in W$, their sum $w_1 + w_2 \in W$. We say vectors here because we are implicitly viewing $w_1, w_2 \in V$ via the inclusion $W \subseteq V$. This is the only way to make sense of the expression $w_1 + w_2$. The content of being closed under $+$ is the statement that the element $w_1 + w_2 \in V$ actually lies back in the subset $W$.

We can succinctly capture this by saying that \(+ : W \times W \to W\) is a well-defined function. In particular, its codomain is actually what we claim it to be: $W$. This is the addition inherited from $V$.

Similarly, if we take $w \in W$ view it as an element of $V$ and scale it, then the result actually still lies in $W$. \(\cdot : k \times W \to W\) is also a well-defined function. This is the scalar multiplication inherited from $V$.

With that exposition out of the way, let’s check that $W$ satisfies the conditions for being a vector space one by one.

  • $+$ is a associative: $(w_1+w_2)+w_3 = w_1+(w_2+w_3)$.

    Since each $w_i \in V$ and this holds for all elements of $V$ by assumption, we are good.

  • $+$ is commutative: $v_1 + v_2 = v_2 + v_1$.

    Similarly, since $w_i \in V$ and $V$ is a vector space we know this already true.

  • There is an element $0 \in W$ with $0 + w = w + 0 = 0$ for any $w \in W$.

    Here we have something to check. Is $0$ from $V$ actually an element of the subset $W$? There is a trick here. Notice that in a vector space we have \(0 \cdot v = (0+0)\cdot v = 0 \cdot v + 0 \cdot v\) Subtracting $0 \cdot v$ from both sides leaves \(0 = 0 \cdot v\) Then, \(0 = (1-1)\cdot v = v + (-1) \cdot v\) Thus, $(-1) \cdot v$ is the additive inverse $-v$.

    Since $W$ is closed under the scalar action $\cdot$, we know that $(-1) \cdot w \in W$. Since $W$ is closed under addition and $w, -w \in W$, we have \(0 = w + (-w) \in W\) also.

  • For any element $w \in W$, there is another $-w$ with $w + (-w) = (-w) + w = 0$.

    We established that $-w \in W$ if $w \in W$ in the previous step.

  • $\cdot$ distributes over $+$: \(c \cdot (w_1 + w_2) = c\cdot w_1 + c \cdot w_2\)

    Since this is true for all elements of $V$ and $W \subseteq V$, it is true for all elements of $W$.

  • $1 \cdot$ is the identity: \(1 \cdot w = w\) for all $w \in W$.

    Since this is true for all elements of $V$ and $W \subseteq V$, it is true for all elements of $W$.

  • Finally, $\times$ in $k$ and $\cdot$ have the following relation \((c_1 \times c_2) \cdot w = c_1 \cdot (c_2 \cdot w)\)

    Again, since this is true for all elements of $V$ and $W \subseteq V$, it is true for all elements of $W$.

A nice aspect about the definition of a subspace is that it is usually easier to check that running the list of axioms for a vector space directly. We have already seen this in practice for the example of a null space.

We can boil the check down to a single statement too.

Lemma. Let $V$ be a vector space. Then the following are equivalent:

  1. $W \subseteq V$ is subspace.
  2. $W$ is closed under linear combinations, meaning for any $w_1, \ldots, w_n \in W$ and $c_1,\ldots,c_n \in k$, we have \(c_1 w_1 + c_2 w_2 + \cdots + c_n w_n \in W.\)
  3. $W$ is closed under linear combinations involving two vectors: for any $w_1,w_2 \in W$ and $c_1,c_2 \in k$, we have \(c_1 w_1 + c_2 w_2 \in W.\)
Proof. (Expand for details)

Lets show that 1) $\Rightarrow$ 2). Assume that $w_1 + w_2 \in W$ if $w_1, w_2 \in W$ and $c \cdot w \in W$ if $c \in k$ and $w \in W$.

We therefore know $c_i w_i \in W$ for each $i$. Now, we will show by induction on $n$ that \(c_1 w_1 + c_2 w_2 + \cdots + c_n w_n \in W.\) The base case is $n = 1$ which already know. Assume that any length $n$ linear combination of vectors in $W$ remains in $W$. Then, we write \(c_1 w_1 + c_2 w_2 + \cdots + c_{n+1} w_{n+1} = (c_1 w_1 + \cdots + c_n w_n) + c_{n+1} w_{n+1}\) with $c_1 w_1 + \cdots + c_n w_n \in W$ by the induction hypothesis and $c_{n+1} w_{n+1} \in W$ from before. Thus, \(c_1 w_1 + c_2 w_2 + \cdots + c_{n+1} w_{n+1} \in W\) and we know that $W$ is closed under linear combinations.

Next let’s show that 2) $\Rightarrow$ 3). Assume that $W$ is closed under linear combinations of any number of vectors. Then, it is, of course, closed under linear combinations involving two vectors.

Finally, let’s show that 3) $\Rightarrow$ 1). Assume that $W$ is closed under linear combinations of two vectors. To show that $c \cdot w \in W$, we can take $c_1 = c$, $w_1 = w_2 = w$ and $c_2 = 0$ and we know that \(c_1 w_1 + c_2 w_2 = 1 \cdot w + 0 \cdot w = w \in W\) Finally, to show that $w_1 + w_2 \in W$, we just take $c_1 = c_2 = 1$.

Let’s look at more examples.


  • As a reminder, we already saw that the null space $\mathcal Z(A)$ is a subspace of $k^n$ for a $m \times n$ matrix.

  • Let’s give a direct proof that the range $\mathcal R(A)$ is a subspace of $k^{m}$ for an $m \times n$ matrix $A$.

    We will check that $\mathcal R(A)$ is closed under linear combinations of two vectors. Take $\mathbf{b}_1, \mathbf{b}_2 \in \mathcal R(A)$ and $c_1,c_2 \in k$. From the definition of $\mathcal R(A)$, we know that there are $\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2 \in k^n$ with \(A\mathbf{x}_1 = \mathbf{b}_1, \ A \mathbf{x}_2 = \mathbf{b}_2\) Using the properties of matrix and scalar multiplication, we have \(A \left( c_1 \mathbf{x}_1 + c_2 \mathbf{x}_2 \right) = c_1 A\mathbf{x}_1 + c_2 A\mathbf{x}_2.\) This says $c_1 A\mathbf{x}_1 + c_2 A\mathbf{x}_2$ lies in the range of $A$ because we get it from applying $A$ to $c_1 \mathbf{x}_1 + c_2 \mathbf{x}_2$.

  • Consider the space of functions $\operatorname{Func}(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R})$. Remember that a polynomial in one variable is function of the form \(p(x) = a_n x^n + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + \cdots a_1 x + a_0.\) for scalars $a_i \in \mathbb{R}$. The degree of $p(x)$ is the largest $a_i$ that is nonzero.

    Let $\operatorname{Poly}_d(\mathbb{R})$ be
    the subset of polynomial functions in $\operatorname{Func}(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R})$ of degree $\leq d$.

    Let’s check that $\operatorname{Poly}_d(\mathbb{R})$ is a subspace. Given \(\begin{aligned} p(x) & = a_d x^d + a_{d-1} x^{d-1} + \cdots a_1 x + a_0 \\ q(x) & = b_d x^d + b_{d-1} x^{d-1} + \cdots b_1 x + b_0 \end{aligned}\) then \(c_1p(x) + c_2 q(x) = (c_1a_d+c_2b_d) x^d + (c_1a_{d-1} + c_2b_{d-1}) x^{d-1} + \cdots + (c_1a_0 + c_2b_0)\) is also a polynomial of degree at most $d$ whose coefficients are the linear combination of the coefficients of each.

    More generally, if we let $\operatorname{Poly}(\mathbb{R})$ be the set of all polynomial functions, it is also a subspace via the exact same argument.

  • A square matrix $A$ is anti-symmetric if $A^T = -A$. So for example, \(A = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 & 2 \\ -1 & 0 & 1 \\ -2 & -1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\) is an anti-symmetric matrix.

    The set of anti-symmetric matrices is a subspace of $\operatorname{Mat}_{n,n}(k)$. If $A^T = -A$ and $B^T = -B$, then \((c_1 A + c_2 B)^T = c_1 A^T + c_2 B^T = - (c_1 A + c_2 B).\)

  • Consider the subset of functions $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ given by \(\left \lbrace f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} \mid \frac{d^2f}{dx^2} = f \right\rbrace\)

    This is a subspace of $\operatorname{Func}(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R})$. Indeed, we remember that $d/dx$ satisfies \(\frac{d}{dx}(f+g) = \frac{df}{dx} + \frac{dg}{dx} \\ \frac{d}{dx}(cf) = c \frac{df}{dx}.\)

    Thus, \(\begin{aligned} \frac{d^2}{dx^2}(c_1 f + c_2 g) & = \frac{d}{dx}(c_1 \frac{df}{dx} + c_2 \frac{dg}{dx}) \\ & = c_1 \frac{d^2f}{dx^2} + c_2 \frac{d^2g}{dx^2} \end{aligned}\) So if $d^2f/dx^2 = f$ and $d^2g/dx^2 = g$, we know that \(\frac{d^2}{dx^2}(c_1 f + c_2 g) = c_1 f + c_2 g.\)

Many of these examples betray a commonality. If our subset of $W \subseteq V$ is cut out by a function $F: V \to V^\prime$, meaning $F^{-1}(0) = W$, then for $W$ to be a subspace we want $F$ to be linear itself: \(F(c_1 v_1 + c_2 v_2) = c_1F(v_1) + c_2 F(v_2)\) for any $c_1,c_2 \in k$ and $v_1, v_2 \in V$.

In the examples,

  • $\mathbf{x} \mapsto A \mathbf{x}$
  • $f \mapsto f^{\prime \prime} - f$ are both linear functions.

Such functions $F: V \to V^\prime$ between vector spaces are called linear transformations and we will return to study them shortly.